

频道:医学知识 日期: 浏览:1263

1, is going energetically, to carry out the patriotic health and sanitation campaign in spring , to do well in interior hygiene2, individual needs to form fine hygiene habit, such as Not spitting;答案 提示 If you want to keep healthy please take my following advice It’s important for us to be careful about diseases all the time If you pick up a disease see a doctor immediately and。

为了解决这个问题,建议在国家的卫生预算的很大一部分用于健康教育和疾病预防,而不是用于治疗 Firstofall,manykindsofdiseasesarepreventableandpreventingadiseaseisusuallymuchcheaperthantreatingitForexample,peoplecouldprevent;5积极致力于防止功能是发现周围的家人,朋友,传染性疾病的症状出现,卫生和防疫部门及时报告 6良好,正确的态度地震容易出现传染病的暴发,甚至高,但由于采取正确的方法积极主动预防,大规模传染病,只要不出现大的可能。


Prevention is better than cureOut of a country’s health budget,a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measuresThe rising costs of health care have。


1、It#39s of great importance to protect yourself from illnesses In order to keep healthy, you can first exercise every day to make your body strong enough Also, a balanced diet is also beneficial, you can。

2、Health, is our pursuit, has been always aspire to the goal! If a person have a healthy body, a healthy culture, psychological health, is very, very happy and proud! If we do this at 3 o #39clock, is。

3、prevent diseases 预防疾病forestall 指“先采取行动以阻止别人做某事”“先发制人”, 如Try to forestall their questions尽量不让他们问问题作到先发制人preclude 指“阻止某人做某事”“使不可能发生某事”。


4、Prevention is better than cure Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures The rising costs of health。

5、1 The first is to ensure that no ingestion of contaminated food and water Especially drinking water, areas where conditions permit local authorities to obtain drinking water disinfection tablets, boiling and then。

6、y English teacherMs Gao our English teacher is my favorite personShe is slim and beautiful with curly,long hair She is in her early thirties She is always full of energy and her lessons are always。

7、预防疾病 prevent disease 解释prevent 英 pr#618#39vent美 pri#39v#603ntvt 预防,防止阻止disease 英 d#618#39zi#720z美 d#618#39ziz病,医 疾病。

8、开窗通风,保持室内空气流动,可有效降低空气中病毒和细菌的浓度,减少疾病传播风险9Pay attention to personal protection in elevators, cinemas and other closed places在电梯电影院等密闭场所时注意个人防护10Try。

9、the leading cause of death in the world But lung cancer, liver cancer and many other kinds of cancer could all be effectively prevented if people take measures for their health in an early stage Small th。


1prevent A from B 表示防止A 发生B是对的2有prevent C 这种用法,是“阻止C” 的意思如果我的答案对您有帮助,请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢祝福工作顺利,生活开心,学习进步哦及时。





如何预防肺结核 成人如何预防肺结核

