

频道:旅游户外 日期: 浏览:1246

I like to travel, because tourism is a kind of make me relaxing exercise This year I plan to go to Beijing, I want to climb the Great Wall, and take pictures I am ready to go with my friends by;we are going to buy some snacks in the snack shop outside the stadium I think I am going to have an enjoyable day这个星期天,我会与杰克去观看一场足球比赛由於比赛将於当日下午三时举行,杰克会在下午2;I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend So I do my homework on Saturday morning In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother Because I am a good girl, I;您好,关于“周末计划weekend plan ”的作文可以这样写I am going to visit mygrandparents with my familyThey live in。

This week end,my father is bring me to the libraryWe are going to ride a bike thereWe intend to read books there for the whole morningIn the afternoon,I will go for my violin class to play the;你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下Last week,I have a wonderful weekendI went to the Ming Tombs with my parentsWe got there at 930We went there by bikeWe visited Maoling,Dingling,ChanglingWe wantde;weekend I can live very happy回答你可以说开小车去回答简单一点的提问那你可以写你周末跟同学去动物园玩了,坐公交车去去看动物就得了回答然后写出来了,再用英文一句一句的去翻译回答。


came back by plane, it will be a good trip!这个星期,我将要去北京参观,我将在那住7天并且我将会游览很多美丽的地方,比如长城人民公园奥运会“鸟巢”水立方然后我乘飞机回来,这将是一次好的旅程;Where do you plan to go on weekends?望采纳;Timhello,jane,what are you going to do this weekend?Janei plan to go to huangshan this weekend,i hear that it#39s very beautiful therewhat about you?what are you plan to do this weekend?TimI don#39;玩了一段时间后,我父亲说“海的温度升高了去游泳吧”我和妹妹很兴奋地穿上带游泳环的泳衣去海边The waves hit us The water was a little cold, but it was very comfortable to travel to Qingdao The。


Yesterday was Sunday I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to huangshan by bus In the morning we came down the mountain I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom We climb up the hill。

Sunday, I will go fishing with dad After that I will go home to do my homeworkI hope this weekend I can live very happy在这个周末我有个计划,如果明天是晴天的话星期六的早上,我将要去看望我的外;今天是周末我和小明约好早上8点在我家楼下会合,然后一起骑着自行车去图书馆看书,周末图书馆人好多啊,于是我们就在图书馆学习了一天,直到下午五点才回去又是收获满满的一天翻译Today is the weekend Xiao Ming;Where did you go to play on the weekend?祝你学习愉快 *^__^*请及时采纳,多谢;This week end, my father is bring me to the library We are going to ride a bike there We intend to read books there for the whole morning In the afternoon, I will go for my violin class to。



五一带娃去哪玩深圳 五一在深圳去哪里玩儿比较好


